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Husky and eslint as actions

Task #933

Task 1: Apply husky git hook to specific branch only #186

Apply husky git hook to specific branch onlyhusky git hook""""""

Reason or Problem

Proposal or Solution



UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Acceptance scenarios

Husky and eslint as actions #9333


Task 2: Import no cycle issue #1286

Import no cycle issueImport no cycle issue""""""

Reason or Problem

import/no-cycle issue #1286

я пока просто уберу эту ошибку, но нужно будет подумать. вохможно моя структура хрень

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 3: Enable and connect react parser #1279

Enable and connect react parserEnable and connect react parser""""""

Reason or Problem


Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Task 4: Well it is not good can be improved with lodash #1246

Well it is not good can be improved with lodashWell it is not good can be improved with lodash""""""

Reason or Problem


Line 11 in

 // TODO well, it's not good. can be improved with lodash 

import { newLine } from '../helpers';

import { commonReplace } from '../../../domain/replace-wrapper3.0';

// TODO figure out `text` argument
export function _br(text, newLines) {
// TODO move out this regex into constants file.
const regex = new RegExp(newLine, 'g');
const arrNewLines = newLines.match(regex);

// TODO well, it's not good. can be improved with lodash
const result = arrNewLines.reduce(
(acc, current, index) => (index > 0 ? `${acc}<br/>${current}` : current),

// console.log(result);
return result;

// TODO upgrade this method so it fix with out main logic


// debug: true
// const params = {};

// try {
// const replaced = commonReplace(config);

// return newLine + replaced;
// } catch (error) {
// catch_error_trace_output(error);
// }

export default _br;

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 5: I propose to move inner things of this method into Replace runConfigure #1166

I propose to move inner things of this method into Replace runConfigureI propose to move inner things of this method into Replace runConfigure""""""

Reason or Problem

Replacer.replaceMDBindedPreviewText = replaceMarkdownPreviewText.bind(state);


Line 13

// TODO I propose to move inner things of this method into Replace -> runConfigure()

import {
// replaceMarkdownPreviewText,
} from '../replace-markdown/replace-md';

import Replacer from '../../parserMDHtml/replace';

function configureReplacer(state) {

// TODO I propose to move inner things of this method into Replace -> runConfigure()

Replacer.replaceMDBinded = replaceMarkdown.bind(state);

// I think this version isnt working well
// Replacer.replaceMDBindedPreviewText = replaceMarkdownPreviewText.bind(state);

// TODO crashed when here in FULL mode, needs to be fixed
// Replacer.replaceMDBindedPreviewText();
// Replacer.comments();
// ---



export default configureReplacer;

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 7: Enable const messages #1110

Enable const messagesEnable const messages""""""

Reason or Problem



Line 9 in a052695

// TODO enable const messages
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
import chalk from 'chalk';
import { forEach } from 'lodash';

// import { readSourceFile } from './utils';

// TODO should we remake whole state as a class with "frozen" methods?

// TODO enable const messages

function checkWarnings(warnings) {
forEach(warnings, (index, element) => {
if (index) {

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Acceptance scenarios

Task 9: Add here error handlers from domain error handle #1021

Add here error handlers from domain error handleAdd here error handlers from domain error handle""""""

Reason or Problem

removing them from this file


Line 80 in a7f26e5

// TODO add here error handlers from domain/error-handle.

import _ from 'lodash';
import { _previewText } from '../../callbacks/callbacksHtml/methods/simple';
import {


} from '../../callbacks/callbacksHtml/index';

import {

} from '../../constants/index';

// import misc from '../templates/OuterTemplate/layouts/misc';

import body from '../../templates/PlainJSOuterTemplate/layouts/body';

const { sponsorLiteral, previewTextLiteral } = body;

// import {
// sponsor as sponsorLiteral
// sponsorComponent

// TODO add here error handlers from domain/error-handle.
// removing them from this file

import {
} from '../plainjs-template/typography/index';

// console.log(paragraphLiteral);

const strong = objectBuilder(REGEXP_STRONG, _strong, strongLiteral);
// console.log(strong);

// as linkLiteral,
const link = objectBuilder(REGEXP_LINK, _link, linkLiteral)

export default {

memes ,

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Acceptance scenarios

Task 10: Logger


Reason or Problem

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Acceptance scenarios

Task 11


Reason or Problem

почему работа с подмодулями мне нравится. Потому что я легко могу раскидать модули на разные репозитории, настроить простые билды и легко дебажить и фиксить код. делать коммиты и небоятся что все зафейлится.

нужно просто все настроить.

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Task 14


Reason or Problem

Адаптер для подключения наших тем. Например в основном генераторе нам не нужно устанавливать тысячу тем. Скорее это долно работать в обратном направлении. Есть generator, есть тема, есть темплейт проекта который ты установил и там юзаешь.

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Task 15


Reason or Problem

Тесты приводить в порядок.

  • Есть централизация
  • есть улучшение в процессе работы
  • берем и дебажим

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

create a separated method that will generate a tree of components for content only case...

create a custom tag that will skip our generator

sometimes everything is not ideal and i want to put something, like comment, that must be skipped and not wrapped with some blocks.

наверное нам нужно попробывать сделать\закончить отдельный метод, который позволит внутри текущего модуля генерировать DOM из react components. Основная идея простая - мне ненравится то что мы храним куски нашего email template в js файлах. это глупо. и в 2021 году есть гораздо более удобные и специфические задачи для этого. мы в ноябре начали подготовку к версии 2.0 генератора - которая темлейт будет хранить в react components и позволит нам играться с другими вариантами layouts - при этом ничего не ломая.

Чуть позже нам нужно будет перегнать весь процесс на react - если захотите, можете посмотреть код внутри react ветки

чтобы не начинать переходить на версию 2.0 генератора и проверить - можем ли мы сделать дерево из react тегов - я перенес их в отдельную папку, с похожей структурой.

модуль, в котором хранится старая версия react components находится тут. нам этой версии сейчас будет достаточно, чтобы понять что эта идея работает, и что можно легко заменить на react components

probably it will be a great idea for doing it.

validator of tags


Url.set(key, value)

image resizing

  • image should be resized or applied like 300x300 or something


Remark plugins to try later later later

  • add html linter because it's hard to understand if everything is good or not

we can use and see errors. not sure if they actually valid, but will be cool to pay attention to some of them


  • add links checker



Task 16: If I comment any of those cases i wouldnt get any warning or something in our


If I comment any of those cases i wouldnt get any warning or something in ourIf I comment any of those cases i wouldnt get any warning or something in our""""""

Reason or Problem

reactFull: () => generateReactFullTemplate(FULL_SOURCE),


Line 14 in 54325ce

// TODO if I comment any of those cases - i wouldnt get any warning or something in our command line.

import { isFolderExists } from './domain/write';

import { generateReactFullTemplate } from './templates/NewsletterReactTemplate';
import { generateFullTemplateHackernoon } from './templates/HackernoonTemplate';
// @TODO add path package, in order to make it work PERFECTLY
const FULL_SOURCE = 'source/';


console.log('Mode', process.env.PARSE);

// TODO if I comment any of those cases - i wouldnt get any warning or something in our command line.

const modeMap = {
full: () => generateFullTemplateHackernoon(FULL_SOURCE),
// reactContentOnly: () => generateReactContent(CONTENT_SOURCE),
reactFull: () => generateReactFullTemplate(FULL_SOURCE),

modeMap[process.env.PARSE ?? 'full']();


@atherdon the problem was with printMessage, because you have wrapped params into object, but didn't change call of this function


hmm. I mean, probably there was an issue with my code, but the reason why I created this issue is different.

i mean that it's hard to manage items from this array. while we protected our main page - we still don't have a proper way to get an error. Imagine this situation - this generator was used for creating 100 different templates - do you think this structure will be able to handle that?

Do you want to explore this issue deeper?


I don't think that the object can cause any errors. switch is not so good, because it's hard to read and understand what is going on. also there are some troubles with switch block, and it's recommended to use object instead


here i totally agree with you. switch sucks.

ok, let me move this part of our conversation into "" document that I'm still working on.

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 17: DDD #1003


Reason or Problem

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 18: Replace md

Replace mdReplace md""""""

Reason or Problem

markdown-to-email/src/domain/react/replace-markdown/replace-md.js /

// import debuggingReplacer from './debugging';
import mainObject from '../pre-replace-object/index';
// import { replaceMarkdown } from '../../replace-class';

const prepOurCallback = (name) => {
if (!name) {
throw new Error(`name of ${name} is undefined or empty`);

const settings = mainObject[name];

if (!settings) {
throw new Error(`object by name ${name} not found`);

return settings;

// if (debug) {
// //--------------
// if (!settings.literal) {
// console.log(callbackName, settings.constant);
// console.log('-----------------');
// }
// //---------------
// }
// TODO we finally can replaceMarkdown()*** for this one.

export function replaceMarkdownReact(callback_name) {
// const debugging = new replaceMarkdownDebug(callback_name);

const singleElement = prepOurCallback(callback_name, false);

// --------- comment for debugging purposes
// // --- You can comment this when you debugging our wrapper
// const _replacer = singleElement.replacer.bind(this);
// this.content = this.content.replace(singleElement.constant, _replacer);

const _replacer = singleElement.replacer.bind(this);
this.content = this.content.replace(singleElement.constant, _replacer);

// // -------------- Uncomment for debugging reasons
// if (debuggingReplacer(callback_name)) {
// // console.log(callback_name);

// // console.log(replacedString);

// // // TODO another case why i dont like this solution
// // // with string.replace - when you forget to return something it's hard to catch
// }
// return '';

// function replaceMarkdownDebug(callback_name) {
// // -------------- Uncomment for debugging reasons
// if (debuggingReplacer(callback_name)) {

// console.log(callback_name);

// const _replacer = singleElement.replacer.bind(this);

// console.log(replacedString);

// // TODO another case why i dont like this solution
// // with string.replace - when you forget to return something it's hard to catch
// this.content = this.content.replace(singleElement.constant, _replacer);
// }
// return '';
// //--------------
// }

// TODO mayber replace it with class?
// class replaceMarkdownReact {
// constructor(callback_name) {
// const singleElement = prepOurCallback(callback_name, false);
// // --------- comment for debugging purposes
// // // --- You can comment this when you debugging our wrapper
// // const _replacer = singleElement.replacer.bind(this);
// // this.content = this.content.replace(singleElement.constant, _replacer);
// // // -------------- Uncomment for debugging reasons
// if (debuggingReplacer(callback_name)) {

// // console.log(callback_name);
// const _replacer = singleElement.replacer.bind(this);

// // console.log(replacedString);
// // // TODO another case why i dont like this solution
// // // with string.replace - when you forget to return something it's hard to catch
// this.content = this.content.replace(singleElement.constant, _replacer);

// }
// return '';
// // //-----------------------
// }
// }

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 19: Callbacks Factory Index


Reason or Problem

markdown-to-email/src/domain/callbacks-factory/index.js /

// ----- examples below

// import { catchErrorTraceOutput, inspector } from '../error-handle';

// import { WR3_generateNewString, WR3_getWrapper } from '../replace-wrapper3.0';

// class CallbackFactory {
// error = false;

// create = (settings) => {
// // if(inspector(settings) throw new Error('nooooo settings')

// // if (!settings)
// // add error checking here.. probably few versions to test
// // error = false;

// const { params, name, valuesObj, replacerMethod, debug } =
// settings || false;

// const { regex, replacer, literal } = valuesObj;

// const configCopy = Object.assign(
// settings,
// WR3_getWrapper(name),
// // this.getWrapper(name)
// );

// // params: {
// // content: title.trim(),
// // href: href.trim(),
// // };

// // let partial;

// // here i want to apply a check and see if everything is fine, if not we generate error = true
// try {
// // or
// // let newString = WR3_generateNewString(configCopy);
// // console.log(newString);
// // return newString;
// // or
// // let newString = this.WR3_generateNewString(configCopy);
// // console.log(newString);
// } catch (error) {
// catchErrorTraceOutput(error);
// }
// };

// // WR4_getWrapper = (name) => {
// // return {
// // literal: mainObj[name]['literal']
// // }
// // }

// // partial = '';

// // isError = () => {
// // return this.error;
// // }
// // setPartial = (string) => {
// // this.partial = string;
// // }

// // getPartial = () => {
// // return this.partial;
// // }

// // display = () => {
// // this.getPartial();
// // }
// }

// export default CallbackFactory;

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Task 20: Simple tasks for main branch


Simple tasks for main branchSimple tasks for main branch""""""

Reason or Problem

Part one

create 3 npm calls for generating full-template for 3 different cases(only plain version is necessary right now):

  • full-template with advertising
  • full template with advertising placeholders
  • full-template without sponsors

Part two

maybe we should do a custom markdown tag "[separator]" that will be replaced with ***? #355

Part three

Can we add some warnings for preview text, for advertising blocks too? #355

Part four

can we clean up our constants package? #356

Part five

switch from default RegExp that we have for links and create custom_link constant.

our goal will be to add URL param like ? but let's use some working module, aka extension of path module. because there can be tons of stupid issues that I want to skip

Part six

"create 3 npm calls for generating full-template for 3 different cases(only plain version is necessary right now)" - Этот момент не оч понятен

сейчас у нас вызывается генератор с помощью одной команды. и генерирует он темплейт только в том случае, когда есть вся информация сразу. - это первая команда.

но т.к. клиенты иногда тупят - мы генерируем темплейт, но не имеет в этот момент данных от спонсоров. это будет вторая команда.

третья команда в package.json будет тоже генерировать темплейт, но в котором нету блоков от спонсора совсем. пример: Сейчас, с помощью нашего генератора, такой layout не просто сделать. приходится потом руками удалять блоки

"Can we add some warnings for preview text, for advertising blocks too?" Для previwText есть warning - когда парсим фулл контент в консоли выводится красным что previwText нету

can we clean up our constants package? #356 - В этом не очень уверен

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Одним из плюсов модульной системы является более простая миграция функционала на typescript если искать фрилансера на фх является сложной задачей для MTE, то для работы в минимодулях это реально и будет проще/дешевле.

Task 21: Подумать о простых компонентах, которые делаются в typography и их связи с markdown-regex


Подумать о простых компонентах, которые делаются в typography и их связи с markdown-regexПодумать о простых компонентах, которые делаются в typography и их связи с markdown-regex""""""

Reason or Problem

Proposal or Solution

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.


UMLs or describe entities involved, their behaviors and relationships.

Sample usage

Clear set of instructions

Alternatives solutions

A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Stakeholders and Dependent software components

Testing plan

Enable and fix ESLint warnings. Right now they are disabled @ MTE repository

remove unnecessary old method callbacks/helper

getWrapper generateNewString

Linkedin page of LLazyEmail